About me
Hello there! My name is Valia Kalokyri (my 'official' name is Varvara, but nobody really calls me that) and I am a Ph.D candidate in the Computer Science department of Rutgers University
under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Borgida and Prof. Amelie Marian.
My research is on the field of Personal Information Management Systems. More specifically, I'm interested in developing tools and techniques to manage (organize, summarize, make inferences on and personalize) heterogeneous collections of personal digital traces.
Before coming to the US, I spend some wonderful years in the city of Chania where I received my Electronic & Computer Engineering Diploma (equivalent to M.Eng.), at the Technical University of Crete (TUC), under the supervision of Prof. Stavros Christodoulakis.
- June 2019: Our Paper on “Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Aspects of Structured BPMN,” with Alex Borgida and Amelie Marian was accepted in AI4BPM 2019
- May 2019: Our Paper on “Searching Heterogeneous Personal Digital Traces,” with Daniela Vianna, Alex Borgida, Amelie Marian and Thu Nguyen was accepted in ASIS&T 2019
- January 2019: Best graduate student poster award, 2nd Annual CS Conference (among 50+ posters) [Poster]
- November 2018: Selected to present my work at the 2nd Annual AT&T Labs Graduate Student Symposium (12 students selected out of 67 applicants) [Slides]
- November 2018: Presenting our work in the New York Database Day Workshop at Columbia University
- October 2018: NSF Student Travel Award, for attending the ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'18)
- October 2018: Attending CIKM 2018 for presenting our demo YourDigitalSelf: A Personal Digital Trace Integration Tool